Dina Castillo Baltodano
Higher Education I Human Rights I Interculutrality
Dina Castillo Baltodano is the Director of the Observatorio de Derechos Humanos y Autonómicos (Observatory of Human and Autonomy Rights) at the Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University. Dina holds a Masters degree from the University of Extremadura, Spain Research in Economics, Management and Trade and two undergraduates degrees from BICU in Business Management and Law. At BICU, Dina has carried out a number of research projects pertaining to the autonomy of the region and its intercultural population, including “Enhancing the value of epistemologies of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Approach to the state of the Arts on the Karawala community and Ulwa village” (2017) and “Knowledge, aspirations and perceptions about autonomy and electoral reforms on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua-2020”.