Development of Academic Rules and Regulations for the Pan African University
Mapping and development of a comprehensive set of academic rules and regulations for the Pan African University's graduate and post-graduate programmes resulting in a Student Handbook with a strong focus on gender mainstreaming.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Higher Education I Gender, Diversity & Inclusion
Academic Affairs I Quality Assurance I Gender Mainstreaming I Diversity & Inclusion
Algeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Concluded (2019)
_ The Pan African University (PAU) was established in 2015 as a continental initiative of the African Union (AU) to revitalise higher education and research in Africa. It brings together students from all 55 member states on the African continent and from the diaspora.
_ In the absence of common academic rules and regulations, each institute developed its own student handbook. Thus, there was a need to harmonise the academic rules and regulations and align them with the PAU strategy and its aims for high quality assurance standards.
_ Paeradigms was brought in to audit the existing handbooks, study the strategy and framework and develop a new comprehensive students handbook that would serve the needs of the PAU leadership as well as the individual institutes and students.
_ Mapped best practice of higher education policies and graduate student regulations of the best universities in Africa and globally.
_ Developed an in-depth understanding of ongoing practices and challenges across the four PAU Institutes (Algeria, Cameroon, Kenya and Nigeria).
_ Identified gaps between desired rules and regulations and the situation in each of the institutes.
_ Co-created a complete set of academic rules and regulations for the master’s and PhD programmes.
_ A comprehensive mapping of higher education policies and graduate student regulations of the best universities in Africa and globally.
_ PAU Student Handbook (rules and regulations) with strong focus on creating a common culture. PAU Graduate Student Handbook which guides students through rules, privileges and responsibilities of the programme.