Development of a Master’s in Climate Change at PAUWES


African Continent
Higher Education I Environment & Climate Change I Employability & Job Creation
Curriculum Development & Reform I Just Transition I Climate Change I E-learning I Stakeholder Engagement I Communication & Outreach
Paeradigms partnered with the University of Cape Town’s ACDI to support the Pan African University, a flagship initiative of the African Union, in the development of a master’s programme on climate change with both a technical and policy track.
Paeradigms was brought in to:
Critically assess and enhance the market and needs analysis.
Oversee the curriculum development process, engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders incl. academia, policymakers, employers and civil society.
Provide support in obtaining accreditation from the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The Pan African University sought to amplify its role in addressing climate change adaptation, mitigation, and development in Africa, in alignment with continental strategies like Agenda 2063.
Paeradigms’ methodology involved:
Stakeholder consultation: Executed a thorough consultative decision-making strategy, incorporating insights from multiple stakeholders.
Enhanced needs assessment: Enhanced assessment, drawing on established and emerging partnerships for delivery and support.
Curriculum development milestones: Facilitated major milestones in curriculum development, including an inclusive academic workshop, creating a syllabus blueprint, and hosting a validation workshop.

Paeradigms successfully delivered:
A revised needs assessment.
Several workshops with employers, policymakers and civil society organisations to provide input
A holistic curriculum withe two tracks (policy and technical) that embraced e-learning provisions for distance education.
Guidance during the accreditation phase, alongside a comprehensive programme operations roadmap and related communication tools.