Dr Sunungurai Dominica Chingarande
Senior Advisor
Higher Education & Research I Gender l Evaluations
Sunungurai Dominica CHINGARANDE is the Vice Chancellor for the Women’s University in Africa and a Visiting Research Associate at the University of Zimbabwe. She holds a PhD in Sociology, MSc in Sociology and Social Anthropology and BSc (Hons) in Sociology and has 20 years of experience in Zimbabwe and the region in baseline surveys, mid-term and end-of-term evaluations, gender, women empowerment and development issues for short- and long-term assignments. She also is co-author of the UNCT Zimbabwe Performance Indicators for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (Esser & Chingarande, 2011). Dr Chingarande has sound experience in gender audits, gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, gender policy development as well as developing gender mainstreaming strategies and action plans. As such she has vast experience in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methodologies, design of research and gender analysis tools, carrying out of surveys, needs assessments, mid-term and end of project reviews/evaluations of gender and development issues.