Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar
Ethics I Responsible Leadership I Inclusion & Diversity I Digital Pedagogy
Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar specializes in corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement, focusing on the ethics of artificial intelligence and technology-enhanced learning. She is a PhD candidate in Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business from the University of Mannheim, an MSc in Public Policy from the University of Bristol and a Bachelor's in Law from Universidad Iberoamericana. Her research encompasses various crucial areas, including gender, racial, and socio-economic diversity in technology design, critical digital pedagogy, and effective communication strategies for diversity, equity, and inclusion. With a diverse background spanning government, non-profit, and corporate sectors, Arlette brings valuable expertise to her roles. Currently, she serves as the Executive Member of the Global AI Ethics Institute. Also, she holds the position of Artificial Intelligence Inclusion and Rights Policy Advisor at GENIA Latinoamérica, where she focuses on the social and ethical implications of AI in Latin America. She also contributes to the consultant teams at WeBloom Global, a Switzerland-based firm dedicated to promoting diversity in the tech industry. Previously, Arlette curated the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Santo Domingo hub. In the government sector, Arlette made significant contributions as the Director of Gender and Inclusion at the Ministry of Women in the Dominican Republic. She has collaborated with the United Nations Development Programme and the Office of the Vice-President of the Dominican Republic.